

Fondue and Chocolate

The whole day we spent just walking and eating isn't it nice? I came to Lugano yesterday night to meet my friend, so we had a dinner, long conversation and so on... But this morning we were up at 10 and the whole day we stayed outside. Now I feel so wonderful! I understand why my mom always used to tell me go get a breath of fresh air, you should walk and not be stuck in four walls! How true is it especially when you are in a really beautiful and calm place like Switzerland!
We walked around the whole town at least 5 times I guess and made some stops in restaurants to eat a really delicious fondue or buy some swiss chocolate mmm.... My favorite one was with raspberry, you should definitely try it! I was following diet for the whole week or more, I even don't remember but it is such a pleasure just to look at all that sweets on decorated Christmas windows so... so shame on me, I couldn't resist!
Here are some photos from there...

Oh, btw if you will decide to go there for a walk just one advice: do not put high heels! I had flat high boots, skirt and fur west by I think that I was the only one person in fur from the whole town! It's not like I was feeling weird cuz I really like that vest, perfect for such weather but anyway just a sweater or fancy hoodie would be enough :-)


Success Secret

Today I saw a quote that in my opinion describes solution for all our problems, not the easiest but the best one.
"Always wins the one who overcame his fear, laziness and self-doubt"
True. Quotes like this are really useful and they help to understand what I wanna be; of course I do not mean that if you heard a good quote you become a phylosoph and you know how to live your life, no... But right words can help you, really.
Here I think the most important word is "self-doubt". Never ever you should have doubts about what you are - you are who you are, you do it your way and you do it right. Really, how would someone else believe in you if you do not believe?! Everyone wants to be happy and successful but you will never be happy if you do not respect yourself first or you do nothing for it.
So try your best, keep going, keep trying, keep winning.

"Побеждает в этой жизни только тот, кто победил сам себя. Кто победил свой страх, свою лень, и свою неуверенность".
По моему очень точно сказано! Ну правда если вы в себя не верите, почему кто то другой должен? А всем же хочется быть счастливым, но какое тут счастье если вы себя не любите! Вот и нечего страдать, надо работать над собой, любить себя и верить, но не прятаться в себе, оправдываясь фразами "я так не смогу" или "я не такой как кто то там". Такой такой! Ты это ты и этого достаточно.



 So here is my first post about.. about nothing actually! But here I promise that tomorrow I'll make some pics to show cuz tomorrow Lugano is waiting for me!
It's 3.15 and I'm very tyred so I'd probably should go to my lovely bed... But if you interested in what I have been doing till late this night - here it is!
My task was to create Pre-Fall collection of any brand I like.. I chose Versace!
so here is a teaser for Versace Pre-Fall collection 2012 by me :-)

I'll put other photos when all collection will be ready!

  Честно говоря, я уверена что все все все уже давно говорят по английски и причем намного лучше меня... По этому не буду все переводить так как у мениа нет русской клавиатуры и это немного проблематично )
В общем спокойной ночи! А остальные фотки моей коллекции Версаче выложу совсем скоро, почти сразу после уикэнда в Швейцарии!
